Saturday, June 26, 2010

Shasta - Tiki Punch

So this promotes that it is going for the title of best flavored soda or like drink or taste in general? Says it on the bottle. Not gonna lie, its not bad, but best taste ever...reaching. As in, they are reaching wishing they were Mr. Fantastic but found out they had no powers...and stuck with making fruit juices, which by the way, i'm becoming less of a fan as days go by. These "fruit" drinks are becoming too much, I can't tell what flavor they are going for?! Either way, this tiki guy is out where I ride my bike, and figured, why not get in a fight with him? It is for Tiki Punch!!! Only problem I had was that the US just lost its chance for the world cup, as I rode my bike my crank broke again, so I had to walk back to my car and because I was already out here with drink in hand, I ran a mile so I could punch this fucker in the face for false advertisement! You ain't the best tasting drink out there, but you aren't bad.

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